what Is A Gyroscope – Applications,Advantages,Dis-Advantages

I want to ask a question to everyone. Do your phone have a Gyroscope?? If yes, do you guys really know what a Gyroscope is? Today, let us know about Operations and Applications of a Gyroscope.

A Gyroscope is a device which is primarily used for measuring or maintaining orientation. Every particle in the universe has a hidden law behind it. Gyroscope works on the principle of Angular Momentum. It consists of a spinning mass on an axel.

There are generally two types of Gyroscopes-

  1. Mechanical Gyroscope-
  •  Sensors will be on axis to detect rotation.
  1. Electronic Gyroscope
  •  When gets rotated, oscillations in Orthogonal plane are detected by the circuitry.

There are many other applications of a Gyroscope-

  1. Gyrocompass-
  • Used mostly in the ships to find the true North.
  • It seeks minimum potential energy.
  1. Stability Assistance-
  • Hubble Space Telescope finds it most usage.
  • Now-a-days, these are extensively used in automated balance bicycles.
  1. Inertial Guidance System-
  • It is widely used in military for guided missiles
  • It is used to detect all the changes in orientation.

Usually, a Gyroscope is combined with a pair of Gimbals. Tops were invented in many developed civilizations classical Greece, Rome and China. These are not at all used as instruments in those times. The first instrument, similar to a gyroscope is The Whirling Speculum invented by John Serson in 1743. It was used in difficult times, most likely in the days full of fog and mist. The first instrument used like a Gyroscope was invented by a German man Johann Bohnenberger in the year 1817. Soon after this invention, it was given no importance in the sciences. But with the advent of electric motors in 1860s, It was made possible to spin differently. This brought gyroscopes into market which is now a casual sensor and more of a guidance.

Common Gyroscope Criteria

  • Performance
  • Measurement range
  • Number of sensing axes
  • Nonlinearity
  • Bandwidth
  • Bias
  • Bias Drift
  • Bias Instability
  • Angular Random Walk (ARW)
  • Cost
  • Working temperature range
  • Shock survivability
  • Size/Mass

Advantages of Gyroscope-

  1. They really make smaller stabilized system.
  2. They impart greater Stabilization.
  3. They are Accurate and Easy to understand.

Disadvantages of a Gyroscope-

  1. The Gyroscopes are really expensive, but not in the terms of camera stabilization.
  2. They are noisy if you are concerned about sound.
  3. Pan and tilt speed is limited.
  4. They take too much time to get up the speed.
  5. They require another cable, battery and an inverter to work.

Gyroscope Theoretical applications include these following-

  1. Conservation of momentum- Basic Gyroscope and Basic Rate Gyroscope.
  2. Centripetal Force- Accelerator used for Rotation Sensing.


Where M = mass,

W= Angular Momentum

R = Radius

  1. Coriolos Force Gyros
  2. Lateral movement induced by rotation.
  3. Torsional Resonator
  4. Miniature Gyroscope in a chip
  5. Wine glass Gyroscope

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